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The future starts here Omantel 5G

Unlock new speeds on home internet & unlimited internet for the first time in Oman with a subscription plan of only 30 OMR, and Say hello to Omantel’s best ever Home entertainment plan.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

Gain more data up to 500 GB!

Choose additional data that best suit your needs





















Terms and Conditions

  • Customers who opt-in for all will sign a two-years contract.
  • All plan customers will get the modem free of charge.
  • The option to change the location is available, for a fee of OMR 1.
  • Customers can check plan status & subscribe for available Add-Ons on:
    *288*wireless Number# or Omantel APP
  • In the event of early termination or non-payment before the end of the minimum contract period, customers should pay the early termination Charges of the Plan and modem shown in the table below without prejudice to due entitlement related to the plan subscription before the date of termination or withdrawal.
Termination Date Within the 1st 12 months of the Minimum Commitment Period After the expiry of 1st 12 months of the Minimum Commitment Period Modem Termination fees within the Minimum Commitment Period
Termination/ cancelation Charges (Remaining Months/12) x (2 Months Rental for the plan No early termination fees for the Plan (Remaining Months/24) x 120 (Modem Price)


If my bill is due in 3 days, will I be able to enjoy the data add-ons or the speed add-ons I purchased today for 30 days?

In case of One time subscription: Customer will enjoy the selected speed or data add-ons from the date of activation till the end of the month and the customer will be charged fully for the data or speed add-ons.

In case of Auto-renewal: The selected data or speed add-ons will be renewed at the end of the month and the customer will be fully charged for the data or speed add ons.

How long will the add-ons last?

Both One-time subscription and Auto-renewal subscription Add-ons will be valid til the end of the month.

How many Add-ons can I purchase in the same cycle ? And will they both work at the same time?

5 times for both Add-ons (speed & data). Also only one speed-the last one that customer activated- will be activated.

Can I take two speed Add-ons? And which one will work?

Customers can activate different speed 5 times a month, the last activated speed-on will work.

Will there be a carry to next month option for the unused Add-ons?

No, the Add-on will be valid until the end of the month only.


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You will be contacted within 2 working days
to follow up on your request, please contact 1235

Your reference number is: رقم التتبع الخاص بك:


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حدث خطأ أثناء ارسال الطلب.
يرجى المحاولة مرة اخرى.

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Please enter your organization's information
and we will contact you to activate the services

(You may select more than one service)

* Mandatory fieldsحقول اجبارية

How to apply?

If you are already one of our clients, please contact your account manager.
If you are a new customer, please call our business contact center on 1235.