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Create your account


Omantel Corporate Customer Service will register any corporate clients where the following documents are needed:

  • On the company's letterhead print and fill out the
    Specific Authorization Letter(PDF)
    Is a document authorizing the company representative to receive telecommunication service applications and to carry out and effect the electronic transactions and online services offered by the Omantel.
  • Copy of ID of the authorized person (front side)
    Scan or take a photo of your ID document from both sides. The photos should be bright and clear.
  • Copy of ID of the authorized person (back side)
    Scan or take a photo of your ID document from both sides. The photos should be bright and clear.
  • A copy of commercial registration license
    It is an upfront legal authorization used to allow practicing a restricted business activity.
  • Copy of municipality license
    It's a commercial license which depending on your business location.
  • A valid email ID