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International Private Leased Circuit

IPLC service now comes in new cost-effective packages aimed at further optimizing your business process.

IPLC is essentially a highly reliable
and secure connection

Allowing companies with branches around the world to communicate and exchange data
freely and safely. Omantel is the First Provider of IPLC in Sultanate of Oman.

International Analogue Leased Circuits Tarrifs Including Tail Ends (R.O. per month - 2 Wire / 4 Wire)

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

International Digital Leased Circuits Including Tail Ends (Monthly):

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.


- A signed and stamped guarantee from the establishment undertaking to settle all bills related to the service. (This must should be on the official original company letterheads and NOT on a photocopy or a computer printout). Applications will be rejected in case of non-compliance.
- The original establishment's Commercial Registration Certificate must should be submitted along with the application and a copy attached.
- The original establishment's Authorized Signatures is to be verified and a copy should be attached (printout).
- The original PRO’s ID and Labour Card to be verified and a copy should be attached.
- A letter of authorization from the establishment to the PRO is to be attached.
- Company’s seal is essential.

For more information call 24 24 2888 or email us at business@omantel.om


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حدث خطأ أثناء ارسال الطلب.
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and we will contact you to activate the services

(You may select more than one service)

* Mandatory fieldsحقول اجبارية

How to apply?

Print and Fill out the IPLC Application Form application form and send it to your account manager or submit it to your Omantel Outlet