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Create your Nama Package

Choose your desired solutions from: Fixed Business Broadband, Postpaid Mobile and ICT solutions

Customised plans to suit my business?

Our Nama plans will keep your business operating at its best.

The all-in-one Nama packages offer
flexible and unrivaled benefits

For the first time in Oman, introducing flexible data packages that work in
Oman and across the GCC. The Nama plans are designed to meet the different
usage requirement across your organization in great value for money packages.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.


Note: All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.
Nama White: Available at RO 3 Monthly Rental
- Local data Sharing with 2 additional data-only SIMs @ RO 1 per SIM per month where local data allowence is more than 10 GB
- GoBiz minutes are valid for call receive with No-Commitment, call receive and call Oman with 1-year Commitment and call receive, call Oman and call Local with 2-year commitment
- CPN minutes are available to customers with 2 or more lines with Omantel
- Fair usage policy of 3000 SMS will apply
- Customers may upgrade their packages anytime during contract period without affecting their commitment period where applicable
- In case of 1 and 2 years’ contract, early termination charges are 50% or 25% of monthly fee times remaining number of contract months for termination in the first half and second half of contract respectively.

Out Of Bundle Rates

Note: All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.
Details/Plans Nama Green & Blue Nama Orange & above
National Data 10 Bz/ MB 8 Bz/ MB
On-Net Minutes 29 Bz/ MB N/A
Off-Net Minutes 39 Bz/minute 39 Bz/minute
National SMS 10 Bz/SMS 10 Bz/SMS
National MMS 45 Bz/kb 45 Bz/kb

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For chosing Omantel's Enterprise services

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to follow up on your request, please contact 1235

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and we will contact you to activate the services

(You may select more than one service)

* Mandatory fieldsحقول اجبارية


Nama CPN


Nama CPN

It is a private numbering plan that links a minimum of 5 or more people within the company.

Mobile Internet


Mobile Internet

Do you use the internet a lot? Then you would definitely benefit from subscribing to one of our packages




Enjoy unified and discounted international roaming rates and travel with ease.

International Minutes


International Minutes

Stay Connected with your customers and partners around the world at competitive prices​!

How to subscribe?

If you are existing customer, please contact your dedicated Account Manager For Sales enquiries & Support: businesstelesales@omantel.om Business Contact Center 1235