To redeem the voucher, a customer must be registered as a user on the Amazon Service.
Each voucher has a one-month validity period from the time it was sent to the customer, after which it will expire.
Each voucher is valid for a 20% discount on multiple transactions if the total discount across all transactions does not exceed AED 50 for eligible products sold on Amazon. ae.
The Voucher cannot be redeemed for Amazon Global Store products (sold by Amazon in the United States and the United Kingdom), Amazon. ae Gift Cards, Amazon Home Services, Helpbit, or Baby Food.
Shipping and taxes on the full value of discounted and free promotional items may apply.
If an order is canceled or a refund request is issued, the refund will equal the net amount the customer paid for the product, subject to applicable refund policies.
This offer cannot be used in combination with any other Amazon offer or promotion.
The offer is not applicable to payments made by customers using the cash-on-delivery payment method.
The voucher is non-transferable, may not be re-sold, and may not be redeemed for Amazon gift cards.
Each customer using this offer, is compiled to the terms and conditions of Amazon'