Welcome to Omantel
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At Omantel, our core value statements aren’t just words –
they’re a way of life. By infusing our ethos into everything
we do, we’re able to create a thriving culture and instil
purpose in every employee.
At Omantel, we believe that by working together, we’re able to achieve great things. By sharing ideas, knowledge and perspectives, we capitalise on one another’s strengths so as to create better solutions for our clients. We celebrate diversity and welcome change, which is why we’re able to remain at the cutting edge of technological trends.
We work with passion, encourage ownership and collaboration, and seek out simple solutions that most efficiently and effectively address our business needs. If you’re someone who believes in the same inherent values, you’ll find your place with us.
We’ve made sure that our compensation and benefits are up there with the best in the market. But it’s the benefits we offer that make us really stand out. Our benefits go beyond the standard. They’re designed to support you in remarkably helpful ways – both in your career and in your life.
Benchmarked compensation and benefits Advancement opportunities Performance and recognition incentives
Life insurance Workmen’s compensation World-class insurance
Schooling Coaching / mentoring Learning opportunities
Be part of a team ready to empower your dreams and connect you to greatness. If you believe it, we can achieve it together.