مرحباً بك في عمانتل
الخدمة الذاتية للأعمال
- ملخص حساب الفواتير والخدمات والمزيد
- إتاحة إمكانية إدارة الأرقام
- ميزة جديدة تتيح إدارة الأرقام بشكل أسهل
- تسمح لك بتعبئة العديد من الأرقام في وقت واحد
دليل المستخدم للخدمة الذاتية للأعمال
We have made long-term investments in reliable and scalable infrastructure that are ready to support the growth and development of your organization.
We offer connectivity to more than 20 subsea cable systems and operate 5 separate landing stations in Oman to ensure that our services are as diverse, reliable and trustworthy as possible. Our industry leading data center facilities are strategically located around Oman and offer accessibility as well as protection of international standards from natural disasters.
We invest in global infrastructure to ensure the success of our partners and deliver ultra-low latency networking to more places around the world.
Supporting your growth and providing solutions to accelerate your connectivity everywhere.
Host and manage mission-critical information through our safe, resilient and efficient data centers.
We offer space, power and other related services at indoor and outdoor locations across Oman.
We have the largest number of in-building solutions (IBS), providing the widest indoor network coverage and quality.
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