Personal > Mobile > Value Added Services > Lifestyle Hala Services
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Hala Services

Omantel’s Hala is the coolest way to get to know the world around you, by SMS.

You can have access to a wide array of information through news channels, daily features and fun. Hala service types: Payment service: You will start receiving content on a daily basis automatically after subscription. Withdrawal service: upon request, you must request the service to reach you Help service: a free information service that introduces you to the different subscription channels for the Hala service.

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.


How to unsubscribe

If you do not wish to renew, please unsubscribe from the service.
To unsubscribe: send <unsubscription>  command to 90011.
For help: SMS <HELP> to 90011.

How to subscribe

To subscribe: SMS <subscription command>  to 90011. Renewals will take place on a monthly basis automatically.